months since i last post. Lol. But now com spoil so i have to use my hp to blog. Haha. This few months were quite hard to get through. Alot of things happened, but everything happen for a reason maybe it's because of you. Maybe it was my wrongdoing or maybe is was just you. I think i just lost someone that was always in my heart. nothing can last forever, everything have to end one way or another. We have chosen different paths to walk this way it will be better for you and me. Until our paths cross again, i have nothing to do with you.
.Memories will never be forgotten.
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Monday, 29 September 2008
Posted by your cutest meimei ever ;D
Hello, everyone out there. (:
This is Ilona, Nigel's cutest meimei typing! :D
Yesterday's outing was to Sentosa, Siloso Beach with Eugene, Graceson and company.
And I gotta help Nigel say this...
Hahaha, that kind of lucky of him. (:
After Sentosa, chilled at Vivo City and down to Amk Central for steamboat.
And everyone went home sweet home. ;D
P/S: Photos will be upload soon.
-Uploaded on 04October.

This is Ilona, Nigel's cutest meimei typing! :D
Yesterday's outing was to Sentosa, Siloso Beach with Eugene, Graceson and company.
And I gotta help Nigel say this...
Hahaha, that kind of lucky of him. (:
After Sentosa, chilled at Vivo City and down to Amk Central for steamboat.
And everyone went home sweet home. ;D
P/S: Photos will be upload soon.
-Uploaded on 04October.

With ♥,
Your cutest meimei ever.
Your cutest meimei ever.
Saturday, 20 September 2008
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Posted by your cutest meimei ever ;D
Hello, everyone out there. (:
This is Ilona, Nigel's cutest meimei typing! :D
I'm back here again, haha.
Just to help Nigel to relink links.
Alright, I'm rushing for time, bye! <3
This is Ilona, Nigel's cutest meimei typing! :D
I'm back here again, haha.
Just to help Nigel to relink links.
Alright, I'm rushing for time, bye! <3
With ♥,
Your cutest meimei ever.
Your cutest meimei ever.
Monday, 11 August 2008
To Sijia.. Now i update my blog. last time got ppl help me update de. but now no more le. still delete all the post. haha!!! to know more ask the retarded meimei of mine (=
Finally found the mood to blog or is it because there is no maple to play? hmmm.... anyways i nearly forget my blogger password. sat infront of the damn com and rotted, thinking to myself what is my password. After 5mins of guessing. i got the correct ans. xD Slept the whole day, only waking up from the call feilong made. ask me come down to play num ball with them. what a bunch of scammer. bluff my $14 away. sad )= finished the game at 7.30 then they went for dinner, i somehow feel abit sad for kai zhang, always kana "shoot" for no apparent reason. after dinner we went to my blk de void deck. kai zhang continue to kana "shoot" then suddenly tulan.after 20mins of chilling. my turn to have my dinner with samuel. (= soon sharon join us. then feilonf and co. but now my turn kana "shoot" after eating, sharon treat me play billard, then ilona treat me play pool. haha. thanks both of you. =P the funniest part is after all that, ilona ask me to pei sharon and her to the toilet... WTF YOU EXPECT ME TO DO THERE!!!! omg la. now i'm home watching show. and soon it's time for me to slp. NIGHTs~
Finally found the mood to blog or is it because there is no maple to play? hmmm.... anyways i nearly forget my blogger password. sat infront of the damn com and rotted, thinking to myself what is my password. After 5mins of guessing. i got the correct ans. xD Slept the whole day, only waking up from the call feilong made. ask me come down to play num ball with them. what a bunch of scammer. bluff my $14 away. sad )= finished the game at 7.30 then they went for dinner, i somehow feel abit sad for kai zhang, always kana "shoot" for no apparent reason. after dinner we went to my blk de void deck. kai zhang continue to kana "shoot" then suddenly tulan.after 20mins of chilling. my turn to have my dinner with samuel. (= soon sharon join us. then feilonf and co. but now my turn kana "shoot" after eating, sharon treat me play billard, then ilona treat me play pool. haha. thanks both of you. =P the funniest part is after all that, ilona ask me to pei sharon and her to the toilet... WTF YOU EXPECT ME TO DO THERE!!!! omg la. now i'm home watching show. and soon it's time for me to slp. NIGHTs~
Monday, 21 July 2008
I'M BACK....
can find time to blog this past few weeks? of months? but anyways my life is a routine. so everything is about the same. but yesterday was fun as i went on a shopping spree... walked 1hr like that and $120 went missing. bought 2 shirt and shoe... like that 120 le. walau. about 9 plus went to find jiahuang, see him promote luggage. haha. walked to PS to take train back to hg. asked ilona pei me home. the go grn waste money again...
can find time to blog this past few weeks? of months? but anyways my life is a routine. so everything is about the same. but yesterday was fun as i went on a shopping spree... walked 1hr like that and $120 went missing. bought 2 shirt and shoe... like that 120 le. walau. about 9 plus went to find jiahuang, see him promote luggage. haha. walked to PS to take train back to hg. asked ilona pei me home. the go grn waste money again...
Sunday, 6 July 2008
Posted by your cutest meimei ever ;D
Hello, everyone out there. (:
This is Ilona, Nigel's cutest meimei typing! :D
Here to help Nigel prevent his blog from dying /spiderwebs.
Relinked and linked people for him already. x)
And Nigel Lee, better study hard for your N's.
Don't keep skip school don't study already.
Hahahahahahaha! Bye asshole. :D
This is Ilona, Nigel's cutest meimei typing! :D
Here to help Nigel prevent his blog from dying /spiderwebs.
Relinked and linked people for him already. x)
And Nigel Lee, better study hard for your N's.
Don't keep skip school don't study already.
Hahahahahahaha! Bye asshole. :D
With ♥,
Your cutest meimei ever.
Your cutest meimei ever.
Sunday, 22 June 2008
Posted by your cutest meimei ever ;D
Hello, everyone out there. (:
This is Ilona, Nigel's cutest meimei typing! :D
My breakfast is waiting for me~ :X
This is Ilona, Nigel's cutest meimei typing! :D
BBQ-ing later on! 3 cheers! -.-
Nigel faster, I wanna go eat.My breakfast is waiting for me~ :X
With ♥,
Your cutest meimei ever.
Your cutest meimei ever.
Friday, 13 June 2008
Posted by your cutest meimei ever ;D
Hello, everyone out there. (:
This is Ilona, Nigel's cutest meimei typing! :D
Went to look for him last midnight, he was in kind of foul mood.
Come come, sayangs* :D Don't bad mood already k :\
Meimei will always love korkor deepdeep too. ^^
This is Ilona, Nigel's cutest meimei typing! :D
Went to look for him last midnight, he was in kind of foul mood.
Come come, sayangs* :D Don't bad mood already k :\
Meimei will always love korkor deepdeep too. ^^
With ♥,
Your cutest meimei ever.
Your cutest meimei ever.
Sunday, 8 June 2008
Nothing like home sweet home...
haven slept in 3day 3night. goin crazy. everyone is telling me to slp but i just dun wan to waste my hols. lols. didn't realise my pillow so shiok 1. for the 2nights i was at 644 slacking. we talked cocked all the way till dawn, then went home change and out i was again. the third night was abit more exciting. when to geylang there the KTV. drink liqour and beer together, got me alittle high but controlled myself. andy boy bluff me by adding martell into beer. not bad sia. but the kik come rather fast. then cab home. the mood for slping is coming. NIGHTS PPL~
haven slept in 3day 3night. goin crazy. everyone is telling me to slp but i just dun wan to waste my hols. lols. didn't realise my pillow so shiok 1. for the 2nights i was at 644 slacking. we talked cocked all the way till dawn, then went home change and out i was again. the third night was abit more exciting. when to geylang there the KTV. drink liqour and beer together, got me alittle high but controlled myself. andy boy bluff me by adding martell into beer. not bad sia. but the kik come rather fast. then cab home. the mood for slping is coming. NIGHTS PPL~
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Posted by your cutest meimei ever ;D
Hello, everyone out there. (:
This is Ilona, Nigel's cutest meimei typing! :D
I've hacked into Nigel's blog again after a long long time. :D
People who wants him to link or relink you, I've helped him do so.
So remember to thank me yeah!
And see, I'm so kind to update for you too. Laughs! ^^
I hardly gets to see him active in the day time.
Only gets to see him more often at night when he starts to active himself like an owl.
And lastly, meimei misses korkor a lot lahorxzxz. ):
This is Ilona, Nigel's cutest meimei typing! :D
I've hacked into Nigel's blog again after a long long time. :D
People who wants him to link or relink you, I've helped him do so.
So remember to thank me yeah!
And see, I'm so kind to update for you too. Laughs! ^^
I hardly gets to see him active in the day time.
Only gets to see him more often at night when he starts to active himself like an owl.
And lastly, meimei misses korkor a lot lahorxzxz. ):
With ♥,
Your cutest meimei ever.
Your cutest meimei ever.
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
The Holidays are here...
i found spiderweb in my blog. haha. suddenly felicia delete all her post. =.=
this few days i bcome vampire. slp in the morning and roam around in the night with the company of my lovely "brothers", shui ching and sharon. night life is quite boring. i oso dunno why. i feel that i the same as a "ah beng". sit and chill at mac. wth lor. dunno wad else to say liao.
byebye all~
i found spiderweb in my blog. haha. suddenly felicia delete all her post. =.=
this few days i bcome vampire. slp in the morning and roam around in the night with the company of my lovely "brothers", shui ching and sharon. night life is quite boring. i oso dunno why. i feel that i the same as a "ah beng". sit and chill at mac. wth lor. dunno wad else to say liao.
byebye all~
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
knowing that you are there.
woke up by the stupid james. scream scream scream. found ilona and him in my house. slacked until 6+ then my felicia came. went to hg green to eat, sharon came and started to leech from me. keep tell her i at home got make soup for her liao, dun believe. haha! played with sharon billard. then played with loti uncle. kana tai 80 points.sibei sian. went home after that. no mood liao. haha.
there is a reason for everything
woke up by the stupid james. scream scream scream. found ilona and him in my house. slacked until 6+ then my felicia came. went to hg green to eat, sharon came and started to leech from me. keep tell her i at home got make soup for her liao, dun believe. haha! played with sharon billard. then played with loti uncle. kana tai 80 points.sibei sian. went home after that. no mood liao. haha.
there is a reason for everything
the reason i have to be with you is
Monday, 19 May 2008
Looking forward to the chalet....
My father woke me up at 3+ wanted to sleep again, but sun to bright le. then cannot sleep. sian lor. ate breakfast at home. rotted at home then i finally fought the strength to go to the toilet and bathe. left home for green. at billard then go lan outside. surprise to see my felicia at there. after awhile she say she go home liao. i stun tio. then slack awhile jiu go home. watched tv and now blogging for you guys to see. (=
Com is dying. sians.
waked up at 4 in the afternoon. then went to green. meet poh they all. soon my meimei and sharon came. played two rounds of billard and there goes my money. slack under my block with gray, kenneth and ilona. wait for my parents come down then go eat with them. after eat go play billard. suddenly go form. win nixon and sharon 20+ points hehe. slacked at billard until 12+ then go pei ferrari and co. go eat. then all suddenly leave. left me and feilong. so we go eugene watch dunno wad movie. after the show feilong, tiang lee and me go eat. and headed home after a damn early breakfast. maybe meeting kenneth and gray now. =P
waked up at 4 in the afternoon. then went to green. meet poh they all. soon my meimei and sharon came. played two rounds of billard and there goes my money. slack under my block with gray, kenneth and ilona. wait for my parents come down then go eat with them. after eat go play billard. suddenly go form. win nixon and sharon 20+ points hehe. slacked at billard until 12+ then go pei ferrari and co. go eat. then all suddenly leave. left me and feilong. so we go eugene watch dunno wad movie. after the show feilong, tiang lee and me go eat. and headed home after a damn early breakfast. maybe meeting kenneth and gray now. =P
my heart beats faster each time i'm near you
i sleep longer just to dream about you
i can't do anything right without you
will you give me a chance to be with you?
i sleep longer just to dream about you
i can't do anything right without you
will you give me a chance to be with you?
Sunday, 18 May 2008
wake up just after 1 hr of slp. quarrelled with my mother. then continue slping until 3+ in the afternoon. prepare go chu shi. =.= met everyone at green. thought that graceson was coming, but then he say meet us at ri heng. after 4hrs of chu shi. went back green slack. went rounding, first go changi village. then go airport, then go OCH. freaked out!. haha.
went for prelims oral in the morning. haven slp yet. the feeling damn sucks! reached home bathe then straight fall aslp. wake up at 6+ meet ferrari they all at green then go bugis pei ferrari buy shirt, after that go far east plaza. went eat then come back green. played with sharon billard, mood was good so let her win. hehe. after that slacked with guanchai, tiang lee, feilong, xiao kenneth and eugene until now. my pillows are calling my name. zZzZzZzZz.
all the world's beauty is nothing compared to you
my eyes see nothing except you and
your smile
and the only thing in this world that is as perfect as
my eyes see nothing except you and
your smile
and the only thing in this world that is as perfect as
Friday, 16 May 2008
Saving money...
same thing happen in the morning. wake up then bathe then go back slp. haha. sleep until afternoon again. rotted at home until 3+ then went dwn green. meet ah yang kenneth and felicia. kenneth suddenly say wan help me manage my money spending. so whole day nvr play billard. how bored. seriously rot at green until at night. then tiang lee came down, say meeting graceson. wait 4 him from 10+ to 1+. nothing to say about him. finally play billard. then went to eat with feilong, tiang lee, shui ching, graceson and tiang lee. then just reach home at 4. hehe.
there is always that barrier between us
i tried doing everything i could
but seem to just hurt you even more
should i just give up
or would you give me another chance
i tried doing everything i could
but seem to just hurt you even more
should i just give up
or would you give me another chance
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Day of silent...
woke up at 6am. went to prepare to go sch. but halfway. no mood then go back slp. afternoon wake then went green. felt something was missing like that. hmmm... i wonder what it is. played billard and lose. dunno why i just cannot do anything properly le. then see until sharon. she and i like enemies like that. always look at me with a black face. if u hate me pls say. i will not blame you 4 it.(= then go block slack. then went home. msn awhile then suddenly fell aslp on the couch now going to bathe then go to lala land level 76 le. =P
even if you wan to hate me
i dun mind
even if u wan to blame every misfortune you have on me
i oso dun mind
i just wan to see you happy only
even if i have to see you from a distance
i'm starting to have the same feeling for you as before
Friday, 9 May 2008
*You made my days miserable...
woke up my the noise everyone made while i was slping. woke up saw a party at my house. wth lor. sat infront of the tv and rot. then suddenly all disappear. o.O went bathe then go meet them. go billard play with my meimei billard. put her 40 points. finally can win her liao. haha. at there until at night. after waiting for 4hrs. the sharon finally reached. idiot 1 sia. 4+ call her then she go back slp. slack awhile at go home.
woke up my the noise everyone made while i was slping. woke up saw a party at my house. wth lor. sat infront of the tv and rot. then suddenly all disappear. o.O went bathe then go meet them. go billard play with my meimei billard. put her 40 points. finally can win her liao. haha. at there until at night. after waiting for 4hrs. the sharon finally reached. idiot 1 sia. 4+ call her then she go back slp. slack awhile at go home.
seriously what wrong did i do.
why you must show me this kind of attitude.
what things u not happy with me.
can just tell me.
no need show attitude.
why you must show me this kind of attitude.
what things u not happy with me.
can just tell me.
no need show attitude.
Sunday, 4 May 2008
On the first of may.
i fucking suay. dunno why. chi shi comfirm is 1 whole day liao. alrdy sian1/2 liao. then sit lorry halfway at hougang sports hall there, the worst happened. my fone flew out of the lorry!!! it a moment of sadness, shock and laughter. dunno why i can start laughing. =P then i called my dearest meimei ilona to help me go find. to my damn surprise. my fone nvr spoil. but ppl take liao. haha. CHINA FONE IS FUCKIN DURABLE!!!! whole day roaming singapore then reached home at 1 a.m was half dead. bathed and when to slp.
3th of may.
I'm sick again. wth. i feel like i can die anytime. at this age life is fragile. haha. sicknss comes and go. haiis. soon white hair will grow. it was boring. i couldn't get myself out of bed. got the strenght to do it at 6p.m. whole day lying on my bed. went dwn play billard. Then came the torture. played number ball 3hrs straight. table cost $26.20 Damn EXPENSIVE SIA. $15 like that fly wad a waste. the slack under my blk until 3+ then when home to rest on my death bed. =)
wanting you is easy.
missing you is hard.
wishing that you were with me.
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Everything seem better...
this morning was the same as before. will see ur msg liao. this morning wake up bathe then go back slp. haha! i pang dua aloy. hehe. sryy aloy. i wait 4 me for 1 hr 30mins. =X He called me ask me bring a shirt 4 kasar. both of them come hg grn play billard. i still wanted to go back slp. but aloy keep call. sian. go dwn at kopitiam 1 person wait. asshole say he inside cab. actually is inside bus. called ilona (my nicest meimei) come dwn pei me.
then aloy and kasar reached green and played billard. then kasar went home and all left for my house. at home i talkin to my felicia online. then she said something that pissed me off. but she apologise. dunno y i cannot stay angry with her for vry long. Around 4+left my house, headed to 309. dunno 4 wad oso. damn sian at there. rot at there till 9. then graceson send as all home. haha.
counting the days not being togther with you.
opening my eyes to a lifeless morning.
passing a lonely night without the sound of your voice.
one day i will make you mine.
Monday, 28 April 2008
Wierd feeling...
haiis. morning wake up used to see ur msg. but now dun have le.
Morning always do the usual thing de. forever go the kopitiam alone and eat. sit there like uncle but too bad i wearing sch uniform. haha. suddenly felt so lonely. would usually receive ur msg. but now it diff. haiis. after my lonely breakfast i slowly walked home and slp. sometimes i just ask myself y i wear uniform oso. =.=
slp wake up alrdy 2+ then when online. my com like suddenly sick finish sia. nvr siao siao. so happy. aloy, ilona, eugene and feilong came my hse. then at 7 we left for green. at thr play billard until 9+ then went back home. but i one person went jogging. haha. now whole body no strenght. think i'm dying. i'm gettin old. haha.
haiis. morning wake up used to see ur msg. but now dun have le.
Morning always do the usual thing de. forever go the kopitiam alone and eat. sit there like uncle but too bad i wearing sch uniform. haha. suddenly felt so lonely. would usually receive ur msg. but now it diff. haiis. after my lonely breakfast i slowly walked home and slp. sometimes i just ask myself y i wear uniform oso. =.=
slp wake up alrdy 2+ then when online. my com like suddenly sick finish sia. nvr siao siao. so happy. aloy, ilona, eugene and feilong came my hse. then at 7 we left for green. at thr play billard until 9+ then went back home. but i one person went jogging. haha. now whole body no strenght. think i'm dying. i'm gettin old. haha.
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Most boring outing ever.....
today went to bugis just to eat duck rice, then sit a starbucks see my bro drink. then slowly make our way back to hg. played billard. and surprise to see someone that i didn't expect to see at grn. felicia and ziling suddenly popped out. then ziling say got things to talk to me so went over. talked awhile then went to play billard until now.
You Know Who You Are...
sometimes do u think of wad u say and do onot? i treat u so good and yet u like that. i owe u something is it? seriously u friends oso dun wan be is it? u think i wont angry 1 ar. everytime will give in to you. u think everything u do wrong u can just laugh it off ar. when can u take things seriously i ask u. u see me nice to bully ar? u slowly go think la. u wan go out, ask me pei u, then i pei u even though i having fever. then now keep show me attitude. C'mon, go slowly think. i deserve all this meh.
today went to bugis just to eat duck rice, then sit a starbucks see my bro drink. then slowly make our way back to hg. played billard. and surprise to see someone that i didn't expect to see at grn. felicia and ziling suddenly popped out. then ziling say got things to talk to me so went over. talked awhile then went to play billard until now.
You Know Who You Are...
sometimes do u think of wad u say and do onot? i treat u so good and yet u like that. i owe u something is it? seriously u friends oso dun wan be is it? u think i wont angry 1 ar. everytime will give in to you. u think everything u do wrong u can just laugh it off ar. when can u take things seriously i ask u. u see me nice to bully ar? u slowly go think la. u wan go out, ask me pei u, then i pei u even though i having fever. then now keep show me attitude. C'mon, go slowly think. i deserve all this meh.
Thursday, 24 April 2008
SIANS!! this few days cannot go green. must listen to my ahgong graceson. haha.
SIANS!! this few days cannot go green. must listen to my ahgong graceson. haha.
today nvr go sch again. early morning at kopitiam sit can see until samuel run pass. o.O i tio shock. lols. then suddenly he sat dwn beside me. another shock. haha. then first thing he ask " got cig". turn off. called ilona come dwn then pei her walk to sch. and then we walked to xinmin sec. reason is kept unknown (for samuel sake). then off to ave 8 mac to meet soh and aloy. not long poh joined us. sit awhile aloy say wan go cut hair, so go J and Jas. he cut finish then say wan rebond hair. WTF LA. waste another hour at thr. we left ave 8 at 12.30pm. then follow the fuckin faggot home to change. i went home and aloy pei ilona. i put them aeroplane for 1 hr. hehe. sry guys. went dwn to green to meet my DARLING felicia. her face like black black 1 when see her. so dun wan ask so much. went billard, first time in my life i played a game in $2. we call it the techno remix. haha. went to study wid her. she keep scolding me. say my handwriting ugly. =.= sad la. first person say my handwriting ugly. after awhile meet poh at 559 and fly to point. suddenly my darling angry, shout at me, stun tio. then i dunno wad i do wrong oso. haiis. rot at point then go home.
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Another rainy day. sians. this few days keep raining. make me nearly fall dwn. walau. today is like my 2nd day in sch. teachers all surprise to see me in sch. wth lor. but quite nice ar. frm 1st period slp until recess then come back frm recess and slp again until sch end. surprisingly no teacher woke me up. =.= finish sch at 2.30 then while walking to the busstop some idiot go disturb the sell icecream uncle. they tell the lower sec that if u spin the umbrella u get free icecream. THEY REALLY GO SPIN! hahah! make me laugh until sit on floor. reach home change and use com awhile jiu go meet aloy, james, ilona and kenneth liao. say wan go study. then while deciding whr to go study aloy started screaming. cus got a fucking huge bee behind him. both of us run. haha! then the stupid ilona laugh at us. DAMN BIG LEHS. as soon as they decided a place to study aloy quickly run, say that at the kopitiam sit will cus him his life. so we left for the blks. walking halfway they bet saying that if will rain onot. james say it wont. ilona said it will. so they say if who lose take out shirt run around the playground 10 rounds. in the end james lost the bet. so he ran. but he run more then 10 rounds cus aloy anyhow count. haha. i wonder if it was ilona. x.x cannot imagine. study finish feilong, ah di, eugene and my bro meet us at 559. then so many ppl only got 2 umbrella. james and aloy share 1 umbrella. ilona, feilong and me share 1. everyone got wet. the umbrella like no use 1. wth. so green walk here walk there. see aloy play wid eugene pool loser punch then see ilona play wid james. FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I DID A GOLDEN BREAK. haha. everyone stun tio. hehe. after that all went to eat. meet ah pui, ferrari, xinyi, monkey and ivan. haven 1min i laughin until wan die. monkey keep shouting in the kopitiam. call the lady say he wan shark fin but no money, then ask her to bring the menu and say he wan 1 bowl of white rice. the lady reply 50cent, then he tell her no money. keep shout sia. walking to lanshop oso shout. say last 1 reach whole family crazy or something like that. then they started playin dota. monkey so interfere, he so sit ah pui place. anyhow play and shout. make everyone laugh like crazy. see halfway i ask ilona pei me go home eat medicine. when reach back green saw samuel, feifei and vincent. they go find girl then go eat tao hui(beancurd). then walk up to lan they just nice play finish. so everyone went to kopitiam and slack. bapo and poh met us at the kopitiam, soon gary came. then after that slowly 1 by 1 go home. so we move to a void deck and slack. suddenly james go crazy go hug ilona. say they look so lovely. haha! they run here run there like small kid. then he wear gary helmet and say he flying to the moon. =.= ask ilona take pic all. crazy 1. soon after that i went home. and now. i'm telling then day's story and waiting to play dota again. haha.
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
hiie ppl. another boring post for the day. woke up early in the morning for sch, but as usual i started quarreling with my mom cus i was coughing the night then i dun wan go sch. so she started nagging and i just talked back. it's a routine. left my hse abt 7. then call samuel to come meet me to smoke. then pei that faggot go YCK pri sch there, then U-turn go feilong hse slp. surprisingly his couch quite nice to slp. slp until abt 11.30 then me and feilong go green eat. reach grn saw james, aloy, ilona and kenneth. eat finish went home bathe then go play number ball. LOSE $9. but the table damn EX. 19DOLLARS. I PAY HALF SIA. WTF. went to lanshop played 1 round dota. hoping to win. and my dreams actually came true. haha. left green at abt 7.30. went home to help my mom mop floor. finish doing all my hse chores at 8.15. then went to grn again. play wid the tweety bird sharon billard. she like no mood no mood like that. so we shared the table money. walking home halfway my bro, poh and ilona called me. they sitting under blk 564. i thought who. =.= slack slack slack until 10.30. then my phone suddenly sot. i thought felicia call me. then i pick up is my mom voice. o.O scared the hell out of me. haha. so now i'm back home playing dota again. :)
to felicia:
i told u that there is nothing wrong. then u still like dun wan talk to me. seriously i dun care if u lied to me or wad. i just want to noe the reason. now u acting like u dun even want to be frens wid me liao. i not angry or anything. i just dun wan u stress only. want u feel like talking to me then call me bah. or if u dun even wan to talk to me ever again. please tell me too. last of all. u are forever my fren. =)
Monday, 14 April 2008
sick sick sick
boring life... everytime sick. since last month till now. i think i wan die liao. =.=
6AM woke up dizzy plus the naggin i get every morning. sians. went to see a doctor.
Hoping that the doctor will say i was dying of some terminal disease or something like that.
but no. i was just having cough cus by too much smoking. how sad. haha. was seriously dying to get a puff. but no cigarette. so kept myself busy by playing dota. play until 5plus then poh came wid cigarettes. he is a real life saver. haha! (= then i and him watch movie. dunno wad bachelor party nonsense. watch halfway felicia called me. as usual she had just awaken from her beauty slp. wad a pig. haha. sry! XD around 7plus went dwn to meet my bro, eugene, feilong and ilona(my cutest meimei). slack and talk nonsense until feilong had to disturb ilona making her scream and run. =.=
wad so scary abt a little fly. abt 8.30 everyone went home. how boring, i and sam send poh to the busstop. ssam told us abt his sinister plot, wad an idiot. then i ask sam to accompany me to buy food. and went home. and waiting to playing dota!
6AM woke up dizzy plus the naggin i get every morning. sians. went to see a doctor.
Hoping that the doctor will say i was dying of some terminal disease or something like that.
but no. i was just having cough cus by too much smoking. how sad. haha. was seriously dying to get a puff. but no cigarette. so kept myself busy by playing dota. play until 5plus then poh came wid cigarettes. he is a real life saver. haha! (= then i and him watch movie. dunno wad bachelor party nonsense. watch halfway felicia called me. as usual she had just awaken from her beauty slp. wad a pig. haha. sry! XD around 7plus went dwn to meet my bro, eugene, feilong and ilona(my cutest meimei). slack and talk nonsense until feilong had to disturb ilona making her scream and run. =.=
wad so scary abt a little fly. abt 8.30 everyone went home. how boring, i and sam send poh to the busstop. ssam told us abt his sinister plot, wad an idiot. then i ask sam to accompany me to buy food. and went home. and waiting to playing dota!
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Posted by your cutest meimei ever ;D
Hello, everyone out there. (:
This is Ilona, Nigel's cutest meimei typing! :D
And this is n-fornoob Nigel's damn blog. :x
P/S: Remember to thank me with the LV Speedy 25 /Gucci hp neck strap. :D
With ♥,
Your cutest meimei ever.
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